Sunday, February 22, 2009

Las Vegas State Park

Yesterday we decided to take a drive out to Nevada's State Park, we had zero clue what to expect. We went in threw the gate drove around the park for maybe 3 minutes and we were done, I was thinking "great there goes our $6 bucks it cost us to get in"! 
Okay so I just threw in this picture of Cole sense he was not in any photos below he slept the whole time.
We parked our car and got out and walked around the "historic" part of the park with some old buildings that were not very exciting.. 
An old bridge that at one point had water under it. There were a ton of peacocks in the area.
The peacocks were pretty friendly to people but I don't think this one enjoyed Ava making chicken sounds at her. Let me tell you this also scared me... a little too close for comfort.
As we walked we ran into none other than a little farm with all sorts of animals, this trip just got better, seeing as Ava loves animals! Ava and her daddy at a little chicken coup.
Some goats, and one trying to escape and yes this also "scared" me a tad but then we realized his booty was pretty stuck! 
A million year old huge sheep with some goats, and a baby cow was in there. We also saw quite a few horses and ponies. Ava was very excited to see all the animals, now that was worth the $6 bucks! She even told her daddy... " I love animals" so adorable! 
After our visit with the animals we walked around a pretty big fishing pond with lots of fisherman.  Apparently they are easily irritated I guess they didn't enjoy my daughter and I throwing old trail mix at the ducks that made them swim in their direction... 
So this is us just annoying some fisherman..
Doing some duck watching that annoyed a second fisherman..
Our second fisherman we annoyed... yep I got a dirty look from him!
Ava and her daddy walked towards some park bench area and look what he brought back for us! Just a little token to remember this trip by!
Okay so we didn't really keep the "token" Grant threw it away in this trash. Well what ended up looking like was to be a waste of a trip ended up being a really nice outing. If you live in Vegas give the Floyd Park a whirl it's worth it! 

1 comment:

Jennifer Herbolsheimer said...

Where is it? It sounds like something Ava would love with all those animals! I bet she was in heaven.