Friday, September 12, 2008

At Home..

Well, I haven't blogged for awhile since not much we have been doing is blog worthy. I am just still super pregnant and feeling not very motivated to get out of the house and do things like my usual self does. Cole's due date is October 7Th but I will have him at the latest the last few days of September or beginning of October through induction, unless he comes before that! This weekend we are going to go get some last minute stuff we need for Cole and myself and stock up at Costco on some grocery's. The picture on the left is Ava at home with her Minnie slippers which she just rediscovered and she actually wanted to pose for a picture but of course no smile. The other picture happened a couple of days ago at night, Ava was having a bedtime snack while Grant and I were watching TV on the coach and I looked over to see this, it was pretty funny for us to see, we have a kid that doesn't fall asleep in the car let alone at her high chair!  This is our life right now hanging out at home cleaning some, and playing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so cute that she fell asleep in the high chair. What an uncomfortable position! WOW!