Last October, he weighed just over 8lbs and now is 26 lbs!

Our little crazy family!

Grandma Donna and one of her loves!

Daddy and Cole~

Mommy and Cole~

Girls Table~ Makenna, Haley, and Ava

Tiffany and Dax~

Stephanie and Sweet Brody~

Opening presents time~

His Tonka Truck cake~

Ava had to share in the eating of the cake.

He dung in and went for it, BIG time!

Fun Times~

Grandma Jane and baby Chase

Cake Time~

Uh oh, tired meltdown from Gavin

Sweet little Brody


Ava and Makenna playing with Cole's new toy

Cole had his First Birthday Party on the 3rd. It was a wild and crazy time! Can't believe a year has passed already. We love our little big boy so much. He loves to eat, play with cars and trucks and loves going outside. I unbelievably love him so much and am so blessed and happy to have him!