Friday, May 22, 2009

Hanging Out at Home and Being Sick!

The last few days we have been shut ins with head colds. First Cole then me and lastly Ava. It's been hard to be inside. No gym and no going outside sense it also has been super windy here. Yuck! Here is Ava with a tissue and the girl is obsessed with tissues!
And of course when you have a cold you must eat popsicles! 
Here is Cole standing by Ava's table waiting for some real food. 
The rest of the time has been spent playing and fighting.
Who knew couch pillows could be so fun to play with too!?
Hopefully next week our life of playing outside and going to the gym will return. It's been a hard few days with two babes that don't feel great and are forced to be inside! 

1 comment:

Jennifer Herbolsheimer said...

At least Ava is wearing big girl panties in her photo shoots. Yay Ava! And yes, couch pillows provide HOURS of entertainment. So much fun.